Monday, June 11, 2018

I don't really remember when I got the first idea in my brain to propose a dreamcatcher for Veronica's hair for the wedding.  I just know that Victoria and I had visited the Indian Reservation on my first visit to AZ after they moved there.  I was in search of a real turquoise piece of jewelry and Victoria was in search of a dreamcatcher.  Well......when I saw the dreamcatchers, I said to her...."I cannot make one of those"!!!!!!  They were so beautiful and COMPLICATED-looking!!!  She's like, "Yes you can!!!  Everything is on YouTube!"   Yeah, right, I thought!!!  Veronica loved the idea, so now the pressure was on!!!!!  Wish I had a picture of me biting my nails!!!

When I got home to Texas, I did the research and taught myself how to make them!!  This (above)was my very first one ever!!! And this one above was my prototype going forward for all the dreamcatchers I made!  It was the one I used the whole year when practicing on Veronica's hair for the wedding and also used as the size for the actual one for the wedding (below)!!

So this was her actual dreamcatcher for the wedding.  Although the pictures don't show it clearly, but it is all white.  (I actually made two of them, because I wasn't sure of pure white, versus ivory and since I didn't have access to her dress in real life (IRL!!!) I decided to make two.  We ended up going with the white!

As you can see, there is a little blue Manatee incorporated!  That brings us to the something old, something blue...........

Veronica loves Manatees and has always viewed them as her 'spirit' animal, so I knew I wanted to incorporate the Manatee in somehow, and this way seemed very special.

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The wedding was at the Red Agave Resort in Sedona.  It has a pretty big open area, so we wanted to have plenty of details spread throughout!...