Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Dear Friends!

I know I said it would be a few more days (a month ago!) before I posted pics of the things I made for my girls' wedding, but, wow,....this is work! Ha!  I know you're thinking, "What's the big deal? Post a few pics.  Stop making such a big deal of it!"  

I wanted to stay true to my blog and post just those things I've made, but some things blur together, (like the something "old, new, borrowed, blue....") and honestly, I made stuff over a year ago, so go figure it takes time to find those pics!!!  Not to mention the hundreds of pics I had to choose from, from the wedding!!!  So I reviewed all those pics, consolidated phone pics, photographer pics and Instagram/Facebook pics and put them in a 'wedding' file!!  :)

I have to say, this has been the greatest pleasure to collaborate with the girls on what they wanted and then to help them realize their vision!  It has been a more-than-year-long odyssey filled with fun and happy work!!!

Thanks for coming along for the ride!!

Love ya'll,


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The wedding was at the Red Agave Resort in Sedona.  It has a pretty big open area, so we wanted to have plenty of details spread throughout!...