Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Hi Friends!!

I know I may be jumping the gun with the 'Happy Spring', but it sure feels like Spring here in Texas!  Been a while, I know, but same excuse! Lot's of wedding stuff and,!

Spent a month in Arizona at Christmas and the girls and I marked off many items on the wedding list. The invitations went out and that was quite emotional to see their beautiful invitation!  Had a video call with the girls this week to review 'February' items!  Seems like things are coming together!

As for me, I have officially completed everything on my list of items to make for the wedding, so that feels a little weird!  Fortunately,  I've thought of a couple of items to make for wedding gifts for the I don't have to go cold turkey! Ha!

Several of you tease me about what I am going to do with myself after the wedding!  Not to worry....I already have a list of items to make for Christmas 2018!  Not to mention those 2 or 3 home projects that were on my 'retirement' in, when I retire, blah, blah, blah!

While the main focus now is the wedding of my beautiful girls, I am still managing to have a life, connecting with friends and planning a trip to Michigan in October for a BFF reunion!

I've got lots of photos to update be sure and look at those and let me know what you think!  Always appreciate the feedback!

Thanks for checking in with me and inquiring about Blog updates!  Y'all are the best!

Love y'all!!

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The wedding was at the Red Agave Resort in Sedona.  It has a pretty big open area, so we wanted to have plenty of details spread throughout!...