Monday, June 11, 2018

The wedding was at the Red Agave Resort in Sedona.  It has a pretty big open area, so we wanted to have plenty of details spread throughout!  Here are some of those details!!!

Dreamcatchers!  Oh, the dreamcatchers!!

The girls were all about the little details for all of their guests!  We put votive holders, wine and small bud vases with flowers in each room at the resort.  I thought it would be cool to put dreamcatchers on each door at the venue, welcoming their guests!

I made two ginormous dreamcatchers to put in the trees!  Hula hoops were the base!!

The girls recently said that their favorite decoration at the wedding were the paper flowers as their backdrop!  I think it was mine too!  They were so beautiful and such a big impact.  I think I cut out about 800 petals!  Well worth it!  The ivory ones above were my first test flowers.  I made my own templates in three different "flower" styles!  In hindsight, I wish I had cut out 1000 more petals, they were so beautiful!!  

The flowers were thumbtacked to 1x8x6 boards with 'L' brackets on the back to let the boards sit up.  

We set up all the wine glasses on their own table near the bar!  They were also eclectic and mismatched glasses and the display was stunning!!  I made wine glass charms using paint sample cards that were cut in heart shapes so that people could write their names on their glasses!

I wanted the two chair sashes for the girls' chairs to be completely different from all of the chairs!  Turned out pretty well!

We knew the tables would be the centerpiece of the venue, so we put a lot of attention to the details on each table. (And they were stunning!!!)  The settings were all mismatched china and silverware that we spent a year finding at yard sales and thrift stores!  We had multi-colored votive holders and  glassware for flowers.  I made a  hundred napkin rings from various materials including  beads, paper towel rolls, wine corks, etc!  I hand painted salt and pepper shakers for each table.  The girls made terrariums for each table, with real Arizona red dirt and red rocks, representing Sedona!  We painted their trademark V heart V on rocks to put in the terrariums!

I don't really remember when I got the first idea in my brain to propose a dreamcatcher for Veronica's hair for the wedding.  I just know that Victoria and I had visited the Indian Reservation on my first visit to AZ after they moved there.  I was in search of a real turquoise piece of jewelry and Victoria was in search of a dreamcatcher.  Well......when I saw the dreamcatchers, I said to her...."I cannot make one of those"!!!!!!  They were so beautiful and COMPLICATED-looking!!!  She's like, "Yes you can!!!  Everything is on YouTube!"   Yeah, right, I thought!!!  Veronica loved the idea, so now the pressure was on!!!!!  Wish I had a picture of me biting my nails!!!

When I got home to Texas, I did the research and taught myself how to make them!!  This (above)was my very first one ever!!! And this one above was my prototype going forward for all the dreamcatchers I made!  It was the one I used the whole year when practicing on Veronica's hair for the wedding and also used as the size for the actual one for the wedding (below)!!

So this was her actual dreamcatcher for the wedding.  Although the pictures don't show it clearly, but it is all white.  (I actually made two of them, because I wasn't sure of pure white, versus ivory and since I didn't have access to her dress in real life (IRL!!!) I decided to make two.  We ended up going with the white!

As you can see, there is a little blue Manatee incorporated!  That brings us to the something old, something blue...........

Veronica loves Manatees and has always viewed them as her 'spirit' animal, so I knew I wanted to incorporate the Manatee in somehow, and this way seemed very special.

Initially, I thought I'd use real flowers for Veronica's bouquet.  I made a few practice bouquets when thinking about the bouquet.  But, I got to worrying about having the time to actually make it a couple of days before the wedding, so decided to go with artificial.  I knew I wanted to incorporate her grandma's pin as her 'something old'.  This pin was her grandma's nametag from her ten year High School class reunion and something Veronica picked out to keep when her grandma passed away, so very special to her!  I decided to incorporate feathers in the bouquet as well.  Love how it turned out!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Dear Friends!

I know I said it would be a few more days (a month ago!) before I posted pics of the things I made for my girls' wedding, but, wow,....this is work! Ha!  I know you're thinking, "What's the big deal? Post a few pics.  Stop making such a big deal of it!"  

I wanted to stay true to my blog and post just those things I've made, but some things blur together, (like the something "old, new, borrowed, blue....") and honestly, I made stuff over a year ago, so go figure it takes time to find those pics!!!  Not to mention the hundreds of pics I had to choose from, from the wedding!!!  So I reviewed all those pics, consolidated phone pics, photographer pics and Instagram/Facebook pics and put them in a 'wedding' file!!  :)

I have to say, this has been the greatest pleasure to collaborate with the girls on what they wanted and then to help them realize their vision!  It has been a more-than-year-long odyssey filled with fun and happy work!!!

Thanks for coming along for the ride!!

Love ya'll,


Hi Friends!!

I know I may be jumping the gun with the 'Happy Spring', but it sure feels like Spring here in Texas!  Been a while, I know, but same excuse! Lot's of wedding stuff and,!

Spent a month in Arizona at Christmas and the girls and I marked off many items on the wedding list. The invitations went out and that was quite emotional to see their beautiful invitation!  Had a video call with the girls this week to review 'February' items!  Seems like things are coming together!

As for me, I have officially completed everything on my list of items to make for the wedding, so that feels a little weird!  Fortunately,  I've thought of a couple of items to make for wedding gifts for the I don't have to go cold turkey! Ha!

Several of you tease me about what I am going to do with myself after the wedding!  Not to worry....I already have a list of items to make for Christmas 2018!  Not to mention those 2 or 3 home projects that were on my 'retirement' in, when I retire, blah, blah, blah!

While the main focus now is the wedding of my beautiful girls, I am still managing to have a life, connecting with friends and planning a trip to Michigan in October for a BFF reunion!

I've got lots of photos to update be sure and look at those and let me know what you think!  Always appreciate the feedback!

Thanks for checking in with me and inquiring about Blog updates!  Y'all are the best!

Love y'all!!

Hi Friends!!!

Well, here we after the wedding!

I've been home in Texas for a few weeks now!  Needless to say, the wedding was beautiful and magical and everything the girls wanted!!  There was a video where the girls were walking throughout the venue prior to the wedding and Victoria saying, "It's everything we wanted and didn't know we wanted!!"

I've been working on getting pictures organized so that I can post here, but it's a lot of work!!  It'll take just a few more days!!

So, this is just my quick message to let you know I'm working on it and will be posting lots of pics soon!!!

Love you all!!


The wedding was at the Red Agave Resort in Sedona.  It has a pretty big open area, so we wanted to have plenty of details spread throughout!...