Monday, September 18, 2017

Hi All!!

I'll be the first to admit I am not meeting my objective of updating my blog every two weeks!  Please forgive!

Since last update, I've been to San Diego for the girls' first bridal shower, made several wedding projects, faced the Hurricane Harvey disaster head on and went to AZ for an unexpected trip to take care of my furbabies while the girls traveled to Portland for their second bridal shower!

My sister-in-law and I traveled to San Diego for a whirlwind long weekend for the girls' bridal shower.  The venue (Eclipse Chocolate) - where the girls met and worked together - was awesome.  The owners really did well for the girls!  It was a few short days of beach time, eating at favorite joints, and most importantly spending quality time with friends!!

Then it was back home to work on more wedding projects.  What are all these wedding projects you might ask!?  Well, you'll have to wait for those until the wedding!

And then Hurricane Harvey pays a call on the Texas coast!  Pretty much devastation here, but Texans are a resilient bunch and we'll get through it. My personal damage was minimal.  The wind ripped my back fence down, but it was 20+ years old, so it had served it's purpose.  Some roof damage as well, but thankfully, no water in my house.

I'm back home from AZ now and can resume projects, both wedding and non-wedding related.  Started working on the fall'll recognize my garage tree!!

Love ya'll!


Saturday, July 15, 2017

Hi Friends!!

Wow, how time flies!  I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted any updates!  In my defense, I have been busy helping the girls plan their wedding!  I spent another month in Arizona in June and, oh my, the lists!!  We made lots of lists, but got a lot accomplished as well.  Had so much fun 'thrift storing/garage sale(ing)' with the girls!

Went through a heatwave in Arizona!  Days in the hundred thirteen actual temps were common for a couple of weeks.  They talk about that 'dry' Arizona heat, but give me my humid Texas summers any day!!

Since back in Texas, I have managed to make a few things (not wedding related) if you can believe it, but I'm not gonna lie.....the focus right now is on wedding stuff!! Next stop, San Diego, for their first bridal shower!!

Too hot to do much outside now (except pool time)!  And visiting with friends.  Speaking of.....I went up to Shepherd, TX to visit my friend Valarie.  Had a great (if too short) visit!  I scored a generous donation of corrugated tin from her daughter after a barn renovation they had completed.  Made this sign for them as a thank you!  (Now I have enough tin for about 16 projects!!)  Thank you Washburn's!

Hope y'all are staying cool this summer!!

Love you!

I keep a small Christmas tree in my garage that I decorate year round for the different holidays.  This is my Memorial Day tree!!  Which will take me to July 4th and also Labor Day.  After that, it'll be fall decoration!

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Hi there!!

Summer is upon us here in Texas, so I'm spending a lot of time outside trying to keep up with the yard!  Oh my, the weeds!!  I have a project underway to make my large flower bed in the front yard, much smaller.  Ugh......hard work!  Hope to finish before Memorial Day weekend, so should have some pictures to post in my next update!

I'm also getting ready for another visit with the girls and can't wait for that!  They've found a venue so am very excited to see it!

I made this little sign (above) from a scrap of wood!  Love it.  Went to hang it in my garage and then just added it to my wreath on the garage door.  Not sure if I love it there, but am going to live with it for a while.  What do you think?!

Hope y'all have a great Memorial Day and look forward to hearing from you!

Love you!


I liked that wreath I made for my front door so much, made one for my garage door!!  I like how the yellow really pops against the purple door.

Check out my new 'business cards'!! LOL!  Also, another one of those wine cork projects....card holder!  :)

One of my favorite sources of wood is the dumpster or the curb!!  Got these pallets on a drive by in my neighborhood!  Yielded about eight boards, but that's about two signs, so well worth the price!!  (Just a lot of elbow grease taking the pallet apart!)

Thursday, April 27, 2017

...from my backyard fence

April 27, 2017

Hi Friends!

I've been pretty busy since I've gotten back home to Texas!  It was great spending a month in Arizona with the girls!  What a difference a month makes to our Texas landscape.  On my way to Arizona at the end of February, the interstate was pretty non-descript.  But on the way home, a month later, the Bluebonnets were out in force!  I didn't have an opportunity to stop along the way and take any year for sure! 

Since I've been home, I've been working on a few projects as you can see in my folders.  Made a couple of Texas Flag wood signs and a cool 'Lone Star' sign that I just love!  I've also been working on some wedding projects.  I'm making the girls a couple of 'surprises' for the wedding, but how am I going to keep them to myself for a year!!???!!  Honestly!

It hasn't all been wedding fun and games though!  I made a new wreath for my front door!  Pretty happy how it turned out.  Let me know what you think!!

Love you all!!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

This is one of my favorites!!

More signs from my backyard fence!  These were inspired by a sign I saw when I was on the road! 

Photo cards I love to make.
$1.25 ea.

I'm always in search of ideas using wine corks.  These are the synthetic corks that I can't find any place to recycle, so I make lots of these 'cell phone stands'.
$5 ea.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

I almost forgot about this sweet cat!  I made this stained glass from a picture of Angus!  It has traveled with Vero all over the country and has seen much wear and tear.  It finally has landed in my garage!

Items for sale!!!  I finally have made some things that are for sale.  These signs are $30!

These signs are $25!

This is what I call my "Tie Art"!  Made from men's ties!

The neck ware is $15!

Cuffs are $8!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Went to a thrift store and they were giving away free games!  I found a Scrabble game and grabbed it...I thought I could use the tiles for something.  Made a nametag for Vero and a couple of co-workers!  Turns out they get compliments on them every day!

Made one for Victoria for her office!!

Had to make one for my desk too!!  LOL!

This is part of my flower series.  Everywhere I travel, I love to take pictures of flowers.  These were taken in San Diego (North Park) in 2016.  Love that dew on the petals!!

These are flowers in Cottonwood, AZ taken March 2017.

More Texas things I've made!!!

I love making things with bandanas!  Placemats and napkins for my Texas table!!

I think I mentioned before, I'll paint the Texas flag on any flat surface!  This was a piece of drywall I had in my garage left over from some project!!

I made this cross with wine corks!  Love how it turned out!

I added these appliques to two t-shirts.  Super cute! 

Added pictures to candles for a gift for the girls!

Painted coffee containers for a cool canister/storage set!

Monday, March 27, 2017

This is my Texas backyard!  As you can see, I wasn't kidding when I said I love all things Texas.....right down to my charcoal briquettes and the Texas shaped burgers!! 

Love my red barn!!
I had a few pieces of 1 x 4's left over from some project, painted them and gave to family for their yards!

I got this double cooler at H-E-B for the awesome price of $99!!

This is the front of my house! 

The wedding was at the Red Agave Resort in Sedona.  It has a pretty big open area, so we wanted to have plenty of details spread throughout!...