Monday, September 18, 2017

Hi All!!

I'll be the first to admit I am not meeting my objective of updating my blog every two weeks!  Please forgive!

Since last update, I've been to San Diego for the girls' first bridal shower, made several wedding projects, faced the Hurricane Harvey disaster head on and went to AZ for an unexpected trip to take care of my furbabies while the girls traveled to Portland for their second bridal shower!

My sister-in-law and I traveled to San Diego for a whirlwind long weekend for the girls' bridal shower.  The venue (Eclipse Chocolate) - where the girls met and worked together - was awesome.  The owners really did well for the girls!  It was a few short days of beach time, eating at favorite joints, and most importantly spending quality time with friends!!

Then it was back home to work on more wedding projects.  What are all these wedding projects you might ask!?  Well, you'll have to wait for those until the wedding!

And then Hurricane Harvey pays a call on the Texas coast!  Pretty much devastation here, but Texans are a resilient bunch and we'll get through it. My personal damage was minimal.  The wind ripped my back fence down, but it was 20+ years old, so it had served it's purpose.  Some roof damage as well, but thankfully, no water in my house.

I'm back home from AZ now and can resume projects, both wedding and non-wedding related.  Started working on the fall'll recognize my garage tree!!

Love ya'll!


The wedding was at the Red Agave Resort in Sedona.  It has a pretty big open area, so we wanted to have plenty of details spread throughout!...