Saturday, July 15, 2017

Hi Friends!!

Wow, how time flies!  I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted any updates!  In my defense, I have been busy helping the girls plan their wedding!  I spent another month in Arizona in June and, oh my, the lists!!  We made lots of lists, but got a lot accomplished as well.  Had so much fun 'thrift storing/garage sale(ing)' with the girls!

Went through a heatwave in Arizona!  Days in the hundred thirteen actual temps were common for a couple of weeks.  They talk about that 'dry' Arizona heat, but give me my humid Texas summers any day!!

Since back in Texas, I have managed to make a few things (not wedding related) if you can believe it, but I'm not gonna lie.....the focus right now is on wedding stuff!! Next stop, San Diego, for their first bridal shower!!

Too hot to do much outside now (except pool time)!  And visiting with friends.  Speaking of.....I went up to Shepherd, TX to visit my friend Valarie.  Had a great (if too short) visit!  I scored a generous donation of corrugated tin from her daughter after a barn renovation they had completed.  Made this sign for them as a thank you!  (Now I have enough tin for about 16 projects!!)  Thank you Washburn's!

Hope y'all are staying cool this summer!!

Love you!

I keep a small Christmas tree in my garage that I decorate year round for the different holidays.  This is my Memorial Day tree!!  Which will take me to July 4th and also Labor Day.  After that, it'll be fall decoration!

The wedding was at the Red Agave Resort in Sedona.  It has a pretty big open area, so we wanted to have plenty of details spread throughout!...